Welcome to Sustainable Neighbors!

The website which informs, educates and promotes sustainability in communities in assistance with libraries.

In a few words...

At Sustainable Neighbours, we are passionate about fostering eco-friendly communities through innovative and impactful programs. Our flagship initiative, Libraries Going Green, empowers libraries to become hubs of sustainability and environmental awareness.

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Our project is designed and implemented as part of the Common Waste- Common Libraries programme by the Goethe-Institut cooperation with ZMAG.

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Green Library is a library which takes into account environmental, economic and social sustainability. Green and sustainable libraries may be of any size, but they should have a clear sustainability agenda.

Sustainability according to United Nations Brundtland Commision, 1987 is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. United nations also created 17 sustainable development goals, humanity should achieve until 2030 for a greener future.